R Adams Shock Trauma Center Gala Honors Those Who Are "Answering the Call"

April 16, 2016

Shock Trauma helicopterApproximately 1,500 people gathered tonight for the annual R Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center Gala to honor those who are “Answering the Call.” The event at the Baltimore Convention Center paid tribute to 86 Emergency Medical Services (EMS) personnel and medical heroes who represent Maryland’s unique, highly coordinated trauma system. The night’s festivities marked the return of the Gala after its cancellation in April 2015 out of respect for first responder availability during Baltimore's unrest.

Those in attendance heard the remarkable stories of Marcus Harcum, a 22-year-old critically wounded in a violent stabbing on his college graduation day, and Casey Bellofatto, an 18-year-old heroically pulled from her burning car minutes before it exploded.

To read the full news story from umm.edu, click here.


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