Giving Back to Front Line WorkersFor his Eagle Scout service project, Aiden Excell wanted to make a meaningful impact. With the pandemic on the top of his mind, Aiden turned his sights onto the medical community and coordinated a drive to collect essential personal protective equipment for the doctors, nurses, and staff on the front lines at the University of Maryland Medical Center. With the help of friends and family, Aiden distributed 1,500 fliers about the drive around four neighborhoods. As far as turnout, he did not know what to expect. “When I first had this idea, I thought we would get one or two bottles of hand sanitizer, but a lot of people actually came out,” he says. In one day, Aiden and his troop collected 83 large bottles of hand sanitizer, 100 face shields, 550 face masks, and 300 pairs of gloves. The collection exceeded his expectations. “I was super happy with the amazing turnout,” he says. “We’re in another bad wave of COVID and the medical workers are dealing with it the most. I wanted to do something that could help them and make a difference. I want them to know that somebody else has their back.” |